Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Seven is the number of perfection

Welcome to Circus Payne, my blog about my large family of performing fleas. Excuse me, children. Whom I love. Really. No one could be more disconcerted than me to realize (well, I can hardly escape from the knowledge on a minute-by-minute basis) that I have seven children. NOT part of the original game plan. Not that there was ever a plan, but seven did not really figure into it. I'm still adjusting. That's what Circus Payne is for, a place for me to catch my breath and maybe for you to have a laugh. I don't mind. Everyone loves the circus, right? Seven is considered the number of perfection in some religions. I would perhaps use a different word than "perfection." When you have seven children, rugged and spirited individuals all, the more appropriate word would be "chaos." I would say "hell on wheels", but that's three words. And I'd hate to discourage you.

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